About Ruby Reds
Ruby Reds is led by Dr. Ruby Lathon, a certified holistic nutritionist, self-taught vegan chef and cancer survivor.
Ruby Reds' mission is to make mouth-watering, lifesaving, plant-based food easily accessible to the community. While keeping the 'flavor' of DC, Ruby Reds will meet the growing demand of veganism in the city, and take healthy eating to the next level. We are excited to share this expansion with you!
Life-saving, plant-based eating easily accessible to the community.
Ready-to-go meals designed for optimal nutrition.
Deliciously healthy vegan food.
Ruby's Story
In 2007 when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer (papillary carcinoma), things were going well for me, but despite that, I didn’t feel fulfilled. I was playing by the rules and doing what was expected of me: got a great education-PhD in engineering even, had a well-paying and prestigious job at a national defense laboratory, stayed out of trouble, was an active church member, volunteered in numerous organizations, had great friends and was well respected in the community. Despite that, I still felt there was something more, other than the life I had created. I wanted a more purposeful life.
The diagnosis came, and everything halted. I was stunned, a bit scared, but at the same time, I felt it was an opportunity to live life on my terms. I did an enormous amount of research, consulted with numerous physicians and holistic health experts and came up with a cancer recovery plan. I changed my life and my diet. I switched to a plant-based diet, developed a whole-food nutrition and supplement plan, started meditating, started trusting myself and my intuition again (something I had stopped doing). I started seeking the joy in life and stopped doing anything I didn’t want to do, including my job as an engineer. I allowed myself to stop saying yes, when I really meant NO. And it worked! I healed myself naturally with plant foods, supplements and a hell of a lifestyle change!
Facing cancer, overcoming the fear of death and winning, gave me new life. My outlook on life drastically changed. I started living more deliberately and following my gut instincts; I switched off autopilot and came alive. I consciously and purposefully took charge, and everything changed. I switched careers, moved to a new city. I even changed how I dressed; I went from a very conservative black, brown, beige and grey wardrobe to shades of reds, orange and purple—colors of vibrance, energy and life. My new red wardrobe represents my new life, my new plant-based lifestyle and finding my passion, which is to help others live their best life, starting with vibrant, nourishing and living plant foods.
Now, as a holistic nutritionist and health coach, instead of helping optimize weapon system delivery, I help people optimize and re-engineer their health through nutrition coaching, nutrition education, cooking instruction and meal preparation. My work is now a joy—every day I get to help people heal and live their lives to the fullest. I’m no longer seeking fulfilment, I’ve found it! Read about my journey.